
  • Excessive Teeth Wear Could Indicate Malocclusion

    Oral health issues, such as tooth wear, can seem rather mysterious to many people. This is especially true when wearing seems to occur over and over again only in certain portions of the mouth. When this occurs, tooth misalignment or malocclusion is the likely culprit. What Is Malocclusion? Occlusion refers to the alignment of the teeth, particularly the proper alignment. When they are aligned properly, a person is said to have perfect occlusion and their teeth on the top and bottom should close perfectly, with the grooves of the molars fitting without a problem.
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  • Understanding Dental Inlays

    Dental inlays are one of the most versatile and effective restorative techniques employed by dentists today. Yet many patients fail to capitalize on the advantages offered by inlays, often because they simply don't have the right understanding. If you would like to boost your knowledge of cosmetic dentistry techniques, read on. This article will discuss three useful pieces of information regarding dental inlays. Inlays are used to restore a natural smile.
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  • 3 Great Reasons To Get Dental Implants

    When you have a broken or missing tooth, you likely want to do something to repair this area. Having a broken or missing tooth can be embarrassing for you, and in some cases, it may even be painful. While there are a few different things that you can do to take care of this problem, on great option is to get a dental implant. A dental implant is a fake tooth that includes both a root and an actual tooth.
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  • Advantages Of Treating Tongue Tie In Infants

    Tongue tie, more formally called ankyloglossia, occurs when a tendon called the lingual frenulum is either shorter or stronger than usual, making it so the tongue's motion is restricted. This condition occurs in between 4 and 10 percent of all babies and is a genetic condition, meaning it can be passed down through families. It isn't always very obvious, but it can cause a number of issues if it isn't dealt with.
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  • Avoiding Sensitivity When Whitening Your Teeth

    Many people wish their teeth were whiter. The good news is that there are several over-the-counter whitening treatments available. These are safe and effective, and they can result in a noticeable difference in the whiteness and brightness of your teeth. Some people experience teeth and gum sensitivity while using them, however. Here are some tips on minimizing sensitivity during teeth whitening treatment. Follow the Directions  One common mistake people make is to think that if applying the gel or strips to the teeth once per day is good, then twice per day is better.
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  • 5 Benefits Of Self-Ligating Braces

    If you are considering braces, you probably want the alignment process to be as quick and effective as possible. Self-ligating braces may be your best option. Here are a few reasons why: Self-ligating braces can straighten your teeth quicker than traditional braces. Self-ligating brackets can reduce the amount of time that you have to wear your braces. The brackets of traditional braces have no holes in them, so the archwire is attached to traditional brackets using elastic bands.
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  • Busting Dental Myths

    Bacteria and germs are the major culprits for causing tooth decay. Over the years many myths have been associated with dreaded plaque, tooth decay, and the causes of tooth decay. Here are a few of those myths and the real truth behind what makes them a myth. Hygiene Myths Bleeding Gums are normal. Fact: The first sign of infection is bleeding gums, which is caused by harmful plaque. Flossing is essential to reach up to 35% of the plaque-ridden areas on your tooth surfaces.
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  • Exposing Myths about Dental Implants

    At one time, the only option you had after tooth loss was dentures. Dental implants have now become a possibility, and they may be the perfect option for you. There are numerous myths surrounding dental implants. Here's a look at the most commonly heard ones. People Will See Your Implants Too many people believe that it will be obvious that they've had implants. The truth is far from the myth, as dental implants are created to look as natural as possible.
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  • Questions About Dental Veneers

    If you have seen people with perfectly white, straight teeth, you may have assumed that they were just fortunate enough to have great genes. However, genetics are not always the reason that teeth look great. In fact, great-looking teeth are not always achievable through great genes or even good dental hygiene. Sometimes, the perfect appearance of teeth is due to cosmetic dental applications, such as veneers. Here are a few questions and answers about dental veneers:
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  • 2 Homemade Remedies To Help Soothe Inflammation Cause By Parotitis

    Poor dental health can cause a number of issues with your mouth. One of the biggest issues that this creates is bacterial infections. These infections can irritate anything from your gums to your teeth. However, a bacterial infection that is not so obvious is parotitis. This bacterial infection often occurs when bacteria contaminate your salivary glands. You will often experience dry mouth and pain around your mouth and face as a result of this.
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