Getting Dental Implants When You've Been Missing Teeth For A Long Time
Posted on: 18 December 2019
If you have missing teeth, chances are you want nothing more than to have them fixed and replaced. However, if you've been missing one or more teeth for a long period of time, it might be harder than you expect to get standard dental implants. If you've been told that you might not be eligible for standard dental implants, then here's a solution for you.
Why It's a Problem
The big reason why standard dental implants aren't always a great fit for people who have been missing their teeth for a long time is because of bone loss.
You might not know it, but every bite of food that you take is beneficial for your jaw. When you chew, pressure from your bite travels down the tooth, into the root, and past it into the bone of your jaw. This stimulates a process called osteogenesis that causes new bone cells to grow that replace the old and dying ones. This keeps your jaw strong when you're young and have all your teeth, but when you lose some, the jaw becomes weaker and thinner as a result.
Unfortunately, a weak jaw may not be able to support standard dental implants, as the bone has to be of a certain density in order to hold them in place. But that doesn't mean you can't get implants at all.
How You Can Bypass It
The easy way to bypass this problem is to skip standard dental implants and to choose mini dental implants instead. Mini dental implants, as the name implies, are thinner and lighter than traditional dental implants. They're just as long so that they can reach the bone, but their delicate design makes it easier for the jaw to support them, making them a great choice for people with weaker bones from having missing teeth for a long time.
What to Expect
Getting mini dental implants is an identical process to getting standard dental implants. You'll come in to the dentist's office at least three times: here's a look at each visit.
Your first visit will be for an examination and discussion of what it is that you want. If your mouth and jaw are up to the task, you'll make an appointment to have your mini implants put in.
On your second visit, your dental mini implants will be surgically implanted. After they're in, you'll take some time to let your gums close up around them and for the bone to grow new cells around the base of the implant.
On your third and final visit, after your gums are fully healed, the implant will be ready to support the crown that goes on top. Your dentist will put a custom-made crown on top of your implant(s), and you can immediately start chewing and using your new teeth like you would any other real teeth.
If you would like to learn more about dental implants and mini implants, contact your dental professional today.